The Conservative Workshop is a civil society initiative.

We are citizens, civilians of different social and social positions, occupations, and ages. Among us are lawyers, economists, marketing specialists, cooks, athletes, students, storekeepers, health workers, civil servants, unemployed, retired... We are different. We don't agree on everything. We argue about a lot of little things, and we often have differences of opinion about bigger things as well. We are not affiliated with political movements, parties, social and economic organizations.

However, we think in the same way on fundamental issues. Our family, our Hungarianness, our traditions, our values are important to all of us. We consider it important what kind of future we provide for the next generations. What can we pass on to our children and grandchildren from the miracles that our grandparents entrusted to us. Our conversations always end with these questions and the decision that we should do something about it!

We do now. We will do what we can. Everyone according to their own possibilities, abilities, means... because this is the least and the most we can do.

If it is important to us what our children and grandchildren will read, listen to, watch, eat and drink, how they will experience their holidays and everyday life, and how they will remember their parents and grandparents, then we must show them the way. We don't want to ban what we think is not good, but to show them what we think is important and valuable. To reach them through channels that they still allow themselves, and with methods that will reach them with our message. We didn't learn to live from YouTube, but by following the habits and movements of our parents and grandparents. We did not organize ourselves into communities on social media, but we became friends by playing together, playing sports, studying, playing music, and having fun. However, we must now learn to convey our important messages to our children through these channels as well, if we do not want to become invisible to them. It is up to us to fill, in our opinion, with valuable content the surfaces that control their daily lives. At the same time, we consider it important to create the opportunity for personal meetings as well. We plan discussions in secondary and higher education institutions, festivals, reading evenings, book launches, lecture series, and other events.

We need to create values that we can pass on, but all this is only useful if it reaches the next generations. And maybe we will have the opportunity to sit together again at the family dinner, live our traditions together, celebrate together, read, play music, play sports, go on trips, bake and cook together. And most of all to talk.

We have to take the first step. Now. We can't delay.

Let's create values, build a real community in the virtual world, which is somewhat foreign to us, so that we can get our children back in the real world as well. Let's do everything we can for this, support each other in this, help with whatever we can.

We know that we are not going to save the world, and we are aware that the leaders of Hungary are also doing their best, but why don't we also do everything we can? Our parents and grandparents did it for us too.

As a first step, we will build the online interfaces of the Conservative workshop, which we will jointly fill with valuable content. As soon as the epidemic situation allows, we prepare and organize personal meetings and events. We develop our communication concept in order to approach our target group - our children and grandchildren. And in the process we create new values.

We are waiting and welcome any help! Let's work together for the future of our children and grandchildren!